078 - Get Back To Work: How Massachusetts Lawmakers Are Wasting Your Tax Dollars

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PC078 - Get Back To Work: How Massachusetts Lawmakers Are Wasting Your Tax Dollars 


Like it or not, we all have to pay taxes. And yes, your tax dollars fund things that are necessary to our survival, like roads, bridges, and other government programs. In Massachusetts, the taxes I pay also goes towards paying our 200 State House Representatives and Senators a full-time salary. During the COVID-19 quarantines, they used Zoom to attend committee meetings and conduct official business. But the pandemic is over, and it’s time for lawmakers to get back to work in person. The members of the Massachusetts legislative branch have decided that it’s okay for them to stop showing up for their jobs and continue to work remotely.  


Today, I voice my criticism for Massachusetts state Senators who choose to work remotely and shirk their responsibilities by not showing up for important votes. I discuss how elected officials should be held accountable to their constituents by being available to in-person interactions with the people they represent. I argue that taxpayers' money should not be wasted on legislative salaries for officials who are not doing their job. I also emphasize the importance of transparency and democracy and share how Massachusetts residents can demand that their senators return to work or fire them for poor job performance. 



“If they did work in the private sector, they'd have to take off their fuzzy bunny slippers, get outta their sweatpants, and actually show up.  and be accountable to their boss.” -  Jennifer Nassour 



This week on Political Contessa: 


  • How Massachusetts state lawmakers are wasting taxpayer money 

  • The crazy new policy that the Massachusetts house has instituted for working remotely 

  • Why Massachusetts is the least transparent state in the country  

  • The dangerous new term-limit policy that Massachusetts Democrats are considering 

  • Why people who live outside the state of Massachusetts need to be more aware of what their lawmakers are up to  

  • The message that Massachusetts politicians are sending to our children by not showing up for work 

  • The criminal new rent-control policy proposed by the mayor of Boston 

  • How to tell your lawmakers that you disapprove of the job they are doing  

  • How to tell your elected officials to get back to work  

Awaken Your Inner Political Contessa 


Thanks for tuning into this week’s episode of Political Contessa. If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe and leave a review wherever you get your podcasts. 


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Be sure to share your favorite episodes on social media. And if you’ve ever considered running for office – or know a woman who should – head over to politicalcontessa.com to grab my quick guide, Secrets from the Campaign Trail. It will show you five signs to tell you you’re ready to enter the political arena. 


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